
Friday, October 1, 2010

E-Manners ....LMAO!!! Copyright ©

Hey, I got yelled at

I mean yeeeealllleeed at,

Yesterday on a chat

Evidently my e-manners were bad

My uncouth, flippant style of “chatting”

Was “inappropriate” and “unbecoming”

How bout that … ????( lol )

I am new to this game

Of “ hey’s”, “sup’s” and brb’s

Having to deal with half formed words

I don’t even know how to emote

How do I express that I am “pissed”

Or the bliss of the girl I had lately kissed

But hey ……..I take the blame

My e-manners are bad…what a shame

With the www’s and the FB’s and Googles around

And the beer in my hand and the nut of the ground

I am getting enslaved by the E fraternity

But I am yet to learn the e-manners of the gentry

I had thought

Just like the real world,

I could knock on the door

Of a friend and say a quick hello

Ask what he was doing

Without him getting angry and mad

And taking my “ hi “ as an intrusion

But I was wrong, without asking

Whether a person was busy

If I said a “hi” I would be dis-“liked”

And accused of intrusion

But hey ……..I take the blame

My e-manners are bad…what a shame

Next time if you see someone on a chat

Before saying a “hi”

Consider twice , before doing that

Step one would be to see

Whether the status is

“Available” or “busy”

Once you’ve made sure that you can type

And it would not be considered a misdemeanor

Or intrusion of any kind

Step two would be , after saying “hi”

Step behind.

Keep the E- manners in mind…

(lol )

OMG OMG this is so hilarious

The chat window seems to be that

A door into someones life

Which can be opened with

Your fingers on the keyboard and on the mouse pad

Pardon my taking this so casually

But I have been accused earlier

Of speaking my mind aloud

An d I cant think of anything


But hey ……..I take the blame

My e-manners are bad…what a shame


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